Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Introduction

    3. Course Overview

    1. Culture Building Text

    2. Culture Building Intro

    3. Component 1: Fun

    4. Component 1: Fun

    5. Component 2: Competition

    6. Component 2: Competition

    7. Component 3: Physical Challenge

    8. Component 3: Physical Challenge

    9. QUICK TIP: Private Training

    10. Chapter 1 Conclusion

    11. Chapter 1 Conclusion

    12. Dry-Erase Board

    13. Chapter 1 Quiz

    1. Body Prep Text

    2. Body Prep Intro

    3. Mobility 1 - Floor

    4. Mobility 2 - Wall

    5. Mobility 3

    6. Locomotion 1

    7. Locomotion 2

    8. Locomotion 3

    9. QUICK TIP: Time Management

    10. Body Prep Quiz

    1. Game Play Text

    2. Gameplay Intro

    3. QUICK TIP:Private Training

    4. RPS Mirror

    5. Flag Tag

    6. 2v2 RPS

    7. Grip Ball

    8. Ultimate Ball

    9. Spike Ball

    10. Gameplay Conclusion

    11. Gameplay Quiz

    1. Competitive Sprints Text

    2. Competitive Sprint Intro

    3. Ground Starts

    4. QUICK TIP: Staggered Starts

    5. Circle Chaser

    6. Cone Shuttle

    7. Bear Crawl Shuttle

    8. Figure-8 Sprints

    9. Hurdle Sprints

    10. Hurdle Cone Shuttle

    11. QUICK TIP: Call outs/1-on-1's

    12. Sprints Conclusion

    13. Competitive Sprint Quiz

    1. Trunk Training Text

    2. Trunk Training Intro

    3. QUICK TIP: Stability Ball Consistency

    4. Stab Ball - Plank

    5. QUICK TIP: Stability Ball Safety

    6. Stab Ball - Sit and Balance

    7. Stab Ball - Hands and Knees

    8. Stab Ball - Knees Only

    9. Stab Ball - Hip Heist

    10. Stab Ball - Moon Crawl

    11. Stab Ball - Sit Through

    12. Stability Ball: Advanced Handless

    13. QUICK TIP: Categorizing Spinal Movements

    14. Beginner Side-Plank Series

    15. Bench Oblique

    16. Landmine Screwdriver

    17. Hollow Body Series

    18. Straight Sit-Up Series

    19. Russian Twist Series

    20. Hanging Crunch Series

    21. Prone Archer

    22. Floor Hyperextension

    23. Beginner Bar Kipping

    24. Trunk Training Conclusion

    25. Trunk Training Quiz

    26. Trunk Training Sample Workouts

About this course

  • $425.00
  • 142 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

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